It’s okay

taylorMy youngest had her kindergarten round-up this morning. She’s a Fall birthday so one of the older ones and she’s ready. I’m ready, too! I’m not sad about my baby growing up. That’s what babies are supposed to do. They grow and learn and become who they are meant to be. I’m overwhelmingly excited for her. It’s a great school and one I proudly support. I see leadership qualities in her that I know this school environment will foster.

And this post is for all the other parents and caretakers who are happy their child is going to kindergarten! It’s okay to be happy. Don’t feel bad that you don’t feel sad! Celebrate this achievement. You made it! They made it! And they’re going to be fine. I expect even great!

Yes, my heart clutched a little when it was time for the soon-to-be kindergarteners to line up and head to another room for a lesson and snack. But then it burst with pride when I saw her overcome a bit of shyness, put her head up and head off… without looking back. That’s what I’m talking about.


I want to build into her confidence, self assurance, compassion, leadership, good humor and common sense. And I want her to believe that through faith and hard work she can accomplish great things. Her own things. And I need to model this for her. So although she’s starting a new phase of her life where her sphere of learning will be expanded, teaching her is still part of my job, too. So next time fear tries to get a hold of me about <insert challenging life thing here> I’m going to think of my little girl, put my head up and believe in myself.

…without looking back.