Imagination. Creative thought. Artistry. Things I’m not particularly skilled in. But like that other thing, I know it when I see it.
Exhibit A.
My kids decide they want to have a backyard movie night to go along with our patio picnic. Knowing we don’t have a projector I didn’t think the idea would go that far, but they did. All it took was some paper, tape, a marker, their dad and a little imagination. From concept to execution, not a minute and a half went by. Before I even knew what was happening we were sitting down to Despicable Me 2. Really. This is the power of imagination.
They even had movie snacks as they talked through the scene.
Here’s a close up , which my husband sketched from memory in about .05 seconds.
For those with creative challenges like me, here’s the movie reference.
All in all, a great dinner-and-a-movie kind of night. And for me, a great lesson in the value of imagination. Use it, don’t lose it.